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Vincent Greby 展 2022.11.24 THU - 12.06 TUE

Vincent Greby The result is astonishing pieces that can be contemplated as much as questioned. The inner experience that these paintings give us is mainly of the order of questioning of the intimate. One does not emerge unscathed, but strengthened. I have tried to show that beyond pictorial beauty, painting must speak to you. It is not just a simple decorative object, it must be a revelation of your life. This is exactly the role played by Vincent's paintings. Gaultier Roux Writer, France, Recently lives in Bardia, Nepal

Flower on the top, 120x90cm, oil on canvas, 2020

Happy flower, 60x40cm, oil on canvas, 2020

L indolente, 180x110cm,oil on canvas, 2022

Alone together, 165x106cm, oil on canvas, 2021

Flower conversation, 170x135cm, oil on canvas, 2021

Flower out the pot, 178x140cm, oil on canvas, 2021

Lockdown Flower in wild, 100x75cm, oil on canvas, 2020

lockdown flower, 100x75cm, oil on canvas, 2020

Reworked, 100x75cm,oil on canvad

Untitled, 100x75cm, oil on canvas, 2022

tree beyong the forest, 60x40cm, oil on canvas, 2020

dinosaur flower, 140x110cm, oil on canvas, 2023 Vincent Greby


1997-2000 Somanou studio, Issy les moulineauxEducation


Solo Exhibtion 2022.“Vincent greby" Qualia art space, Seoul South Korea

2019"Vincent greby" Qualia art space, Seoul South Korea"

2019 "Vincent greby" 1933 art space, Seoul South Korea

2018"Vincent greby" Qualia art space, Seoul South Korea

20017 Arupan gallery ' Autrui " , Kathmandou, Nepal

2017"Vincent greby" Qualia art space, Seoul South Korea

2015 Photo Kathmandou festival at the Alliance Francaise ,

2014 "20 dollars, i love you too much", Maeke Make Gallery, Battambang, Cambodia

Group Exhibition 2022. Seescha Me gallery Kathmandu, Nepal

2021. Nude art show " gallery Mcube laltipur, Nepal

2018 Park Gallery Art Fair, Kathmandu, Nepal

2017 BAMA Busan Art Fair, South Korea

2017 Jeju international Art Fair, South Korea

2017 Jeonnan International Ink Art Pre Biennale, South Korea

2017 “ Self image other eyes “, Seosan, South Korea

2017 Yeoso Biennal south Korea

2017 Ecole de Paris, Grande Vallee Academie, South Korea

2017 Krischna Leila, Mitali art gallery, Kathmandou, Nepal

2016 Swaguipo art center, Jeju Island, Southh Korea

2016 Ini Gallery , "The Island",Jeju island , South Korea

2016 Residency at Jeju island international art center,South Korea

2016 Yeoso Biennal south Korea

2016 Bidaf Battambang, Cambodia

2016 "Corpus", Sangkar Gallery, Battambang, Cambodia

2016 "Creative Journey" - Kathmadou Nepal


1997 Member of Light Cone International Experimental Film Maker Company

2008 Traduction du" Traite de la perspective lineaire de Leonard De Vinci" publie par l Harmathan

2010 Le nouveau Nepal le pari d'une utopie", print by L'Harmathan, and Vajra publication

2013 " L'affaIre des 16 piliers " Short stories,print by Vajra publication, Kathmandu, Nepal


1990 1994 Assistant filmothequaire Unesco, Paris

1989 1991 Bachelor Editor 16 mn , ClCF, Paris


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서울시 종로구 평창11길 41(평창동 365-3) 아트스페이스 퀄리아 Tel. 02-379-4648

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